At 1720 hours on 10 April 1945, Beaufort bomber A9-670 of 32 Squadron RAAF, crashed at Greenbank, SSW of Brisbane, killing the crew of four. It crashed after completing an air to ground gunnery practice exercise at the nearby Gailes Gunnery Range (also known as the Gailes Armament Range or Gailes Bombing Range) which is now part of the Greenbank Military Camp.
An unveiling Ceremony was held on 27 May 2009 at Grande Park, Grande Avenue, Springfield Lakes in Memory of the following men who were all tragically killed in this accident.
F/O Eric David Stephenson, Pilot
Flt. Sgt. Neville James Barron, Wireless Operator Air Gunner
P/O John George Harvey, Observer
LAC Raymond Patrick McGuigan, passenger
Sheila Ireland and Darlene Clark, Project Director Delfin Springfield Lakes

The "missing" Barron Family at the Beaufort Bomber Memorial ceremony.
L to R:- Monica Barron (sister-in-law), Maree Wylie (nee Barron - niece),
Neil Barron (nephew), Sandra Kerr, Jack McClelland (brother-in-law) and
Garry Burton (nephew). Except for Sandra Kerr, all are related (as indicated)
to the late Flt. Sgt. Neville James Barron

The "missing" Barron Family at the Beaufort Bomber Memorial ceremony.
L to R:- Monica Barron (sister-in-law), Maree Wylie (nee Barron - niece),
Neil Barron (nephew), Sandra Kerr, Jack McClelland (brother-in-law) and
Garry Burton (nephew). Except for Sandra Kerr, all are related (as indicated)
to the late Flt. Sgt. Neville James Barron