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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Holidaying on the Continent

Holidaying on the Continent
The Journey of an RAAF Volunteer: 1940-45
460 RAAF Squadron
by Richard Munro

When Jim Munro wanted to join the RAAF he had a medical problem with his kidneys so he arranged another person to provide the test sample and Jim was soon training for his Pilot's wings. Like many others, he was "scrubbed" as a pilot and became a bomb aimer and was soon on his way to the United Kingdom.

After further training, he was sent to 460 Squadron RAAF flying Lancasters and then the night raids over German occupied Europe began.

Over the following months Jim and other members of the crew became a tight-knit team, raiding targets such as the notorious Ruhr Valley, Turin in Italy, Cologne, Hamburg, the previously secret Peenemunde rocket works and finally Berlin.

The raid to Berlin was one too many and they were singled out by the famous German night fighter ace, Wilhelm Herget. Using his innovative upward-firing cannons Herget attacked their Lancaster and, on his fourth pass, it was all over.

The Lancaster was in distress, and as it headed down, the crew frantically tried to exit the burning aircraft. Only three of the crew survived when the aircraft suddenly exploded throwing them clear and they parachuted to the ground. The rest of their mates were dead and the three survivors were too badly injured to attempt an escape from the Germans.

After weeks in hospital they were sent to prison camps and Jim Munro became a resident of Stalag IVB.

This excellent book tells the story of Jim Munro, his crew mates, the Lancaster they flew in and the way of life, fears and hopes that the young flyers experienced.

Hard Cover with General and People indexes
251 pages
135 Photographs and Sketches
13 Maps
4 Appendices

To order you copy of this excellent book, send a Cheque
or Money Order for $45:00 (includes postage) to:-

Richard Munro
PO Box 273
NSW 2119

For overseas orders please contact Richard Munro to determine extra postage charges

Make sure you tell Richard Munro that you found
out about his book on Peter Dunn's "Australia @ War" web site

Saturday, October 10, 2009

In Just Five Years - The RAAF & Nhill in WWII

IN WORLD WAR II 1941 - 1946

The operational history of the RAAF during WWII – its aircraft, battles and heroes – has been well documented. Less well known are the extraordinary contributions of the training systems set up in Australia to support the war efforts not only of Australia but of the Commonwealth.

Kevin O`Reilly has indeed provided a valuable historical reference for RAAF operations in Nhill: its establishment as a training base with No 2 Air Observers (Navigators) School, the early presence of No 1 Operational Training Unit and No 97 Reserve Squadron and finally Air Armament and Gas School. But it is much more than that. The book draws you in with its recollections of a childhood in Nhill in the lead up to and during World War II.

A 208 page pictorial collection of reminiscences, RAAF records, news reports, photographs and official documents covering life in Nhill and the RAAF base in the War years between 1941 - 1946.

Contents include Nhill and District citizens who served in the RAAF and the names of over 800 personnel who served at Nhill either as Trainees, Instructors or Base Staff.

Click here to order your copy
of this excellent book

Please let Kevin O'Reilly know
you found out about his book on
Peter Dunn's "Australia @ War" web site