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Monday, June 8, 2009

EFAS Public Meeting on the North side of Brisbane

"Pub #2", the second in a series of proposed
'around the suburbs' PUBLIC Meetings
to which we aim to attract interested
visitors / cum potential EFAS Inc members.

Eagle Farm Aviation Society Inc.
is holding a 2nd General Meeting at:-

Nundah and Districts Historical Society Inc., rooms,
adjacent to the BCC Nundah Library,

Assemble at 7:00 pm for a 7:30 pm start
on 18 June 2009

Visitors and prospective new
members are welcome to attend.

Help us to renew "The Legend of Hangar 7".

Visit our web page at:-

Members of A.T.A.I.U. – Allied Technical Air Intelligence
rebuilding a Japanese aircraft in Hangar 7 at Eagle Farm

The Eagle Farm Aviation Society, Inc. (EFAS) has been formed by AHQ - Aerospace Heritage Queensland to develop and then operate the Eagle Farm Community Heritage Centre located in Hangar 7 on the site of the old Eagle Farm airfield. This community heritage facility will be housed in the heritage listed “Hangar 7” which was used by the A.T.A.I.U. – Allied Technical Air Intelligence Unit during WWII.

Aerospace Heritage Queensland (AHQ) was formed with the assistance of the State Government to provide a single voice to Government on aviation heritage matters and to co-ordinate aviation heritage projects within Queensland. It is an amalgamation of several of this State’s present aviation and military museum/collection bodies. Its aim is to promote and provide a Brisbane based showcase for its members’ parent displays.

The Eagle Farm Aviation Society Inc. (EFAS) will work with the Brisbane City Council, the current owner of Hangar 7 towards establishing this community heritage centre. EFAS is working to secure the relevant lease for the hangar and is in negotiations with the Victoria Barracks Historical Society, Brisbane Inc. with the view to a shared occupation of the hangar. EFAS will be responsible for the day to day management and operation of the facility.

We would love to see you at our 2nd General Meeting at:-

Nundah and Districts Historical Society Inc., rooms,
adjacent to the BCC Nundah Library,

Assemble at 7:00 pm for a 7:30 pm start.
on 18 June 2009


Please ring Roger Marks (07-3343 8407) to advise if you are able to attend the meeting.