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Eagle Farm Aviation Society Inc. is holding a General Meeting at the Royal Queensland Aero Club (RQAC) at Beatty Road, Archerfield, President's Room at 7.30 PM THURSDAY, 30 APRIL 2009.
Visitors and prospective new
members are welcome to attend.
Help us to renew "The Legend of Hangar 7".
Visit our web page at:-
Members of A.T.A.I.U. – Allied Technical Air Intelligence
Unit rebuilding a Japanese aircraft in Hangar 7 at Eagle Farm The Eagle Farm Aviation Society, Inc. (EFAS) has been formed by AHQ - Aerospace Heritage Queensland to develop and then operate the Eagle Farm Community Heritage Centre located in Hangar 7 on the site of the old Eagle Farm airfield. This community heritage facility will be housed in the heritage listed “Hangar 7” which was used by the A.T.A.I.U. – Allied Technical Air Intelligence Unit during WWII.
Aerospace Heritage Queensland (AHQ) was formed with the assistance of the State Government to provide a single voice to Government on aviation heritage matters and to co-ordinate aviation heritage projects within Queensland. It is an amalgamation of several of this State’s present aviation and military museum/collection bodies. Its aim is to promote and provide a Brisbane based showcase for its members’ parent displays.
The Eagle Farm Aviation Society Inc. (EFAS) will work with the Brisbane City Council, the current owner of Hangar 7 towards establishing this community heritage centre. EFAS is working to secure the relevant lease for the hangar and is in negotiations with the Victoria Barracks Historical Society, Brisbane Inc. with the view to a shared occupation of the hangar. EFAS will be responsible for the day to day management and operation of the facility. We would love to see you at our General Meeting at:-
Royal Queensland Aero Club (RQAC)
Beatty Road,
President's Room
7.30 PM THURSDAY, 30 APRIL 2009.
Please ring Roger Marks (07-3343 8407) to advise you are able to attend the meeting.

Two mates helping each other on Anzac Day
I had the honour again today to march with the veterans of 460 Squadron RAAF on Anzac Day in Brisbane. My late father-in-law, John Goulevitch, was a member of 460 Squadron RAAF.
After the march the 460 Squadron group traditionally retires to the Irish Club in Elizabeth Street, for a meal and few friendly drinks to remember their mates who did not return
Click on the link above to see a new web page with many photos of Anzac Day in Brisbane - 25 April 2009.

6 Stores Depot RAAF Dubbo
The nucleus of 6 Stores Depot RAAF was formed at at 2 Stores Depot at Waterloo in New South Wales on 1 December 1942. The advance party of 6 Stores Depot moved to Dubbo in New South Wales by train on 4 December 1942. Wing Commander Denis Archibald John Creal (03126) was the initial Commanding Officer for 6 Stores Depot.
The 45 hectare (110acre) site of the former 6 Stores Depot is bounded by the Mitchell Highway (Cobra Street) at its northern boundary, a railway line to the east, High Street at the southern boundary and Palmer Street on the western boundary. It comprised 5 type W3 igloo hangars (Buildings 4, 5, 7, 8 and 11) and 3 Bellman hangars, a "Rabaul" design storehouse and a number of other smaller buildings including a Sidney Williams hut. The 5 main igloos and two Bellman hangars can still be clearly seen on Google Earth.
The Beaufort Restoration Group in conjunction with the Warplane Museum and the Caboolture Aero Cub is holding an Open Day at Caboolture Airfield on 2nd August 2009 between 10.00a.m. and 4.00p.m.
The Beaufort Restoration group have a fabulous raffle prize on sale. How would you like to have
- a 20 minute flight in a P-51 Mustang!!!
- or a flight in a CAC Wirraway!!
- or a flight in a powered glider!

Spirit of the Forty-Second, Narrative of the 42nd Battalion
11th Infantry Brigade, 3rd Division, Australian Imperial Forces,
during the Great War, 1914-1918
by Vivian Brahms
Around Christmas time in 1915, the 42nd Battalion under Commanding Officer Lt.-Colonel A. R. Woolcock, was allocated a site at Thompson's Paddock, at Enoggera, some few miles distant from Brisbane.
Then ensued the preparation of rolls, attestation-papers, allotments and pay-books. Issues of clothing and equipment followed in due course. Spasmodic training, fatigue duties and the furnishing of picquets, vaccination and innoculations, gradually eliminated the civilian side of life from the embryo soldier.
They were soon headed off overseas to England for training and then into battle.

From Yeppoon the story follows the battalion on its moves to Tiaro, north again to Townsville and New Guinea, through the Salamua campaign to Lae, back again to Australia and finally over to Bougainville, where the battalion saw its last action before being broken up at the end of the war.

Airspeed Oxford
Airspeed Oxford BM712 collided with Airspeed Oxford X7115 whilst formation flying one mile west of the You Yangs in Victoria at approximately 1420 hours E.A.S.T. on 23 January 1943. Both aircraft were with 1 Service Flying Training School (1 S.F.T.S.)
Aircraft BM712 while in a turn to the left collided with the tail fin of X7115 and went into a spin one mile west of the You Yangs hitting the ground. The crew of three personnel were killed in this tragic accident.
A new book by by Carol Edgemon Hipperson
"Radioman" is the biography of Ray Daves, a non-commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy and an eyewitness to World War II. It is based on the author's handwritten notes from a series of interviews that began on the 82nd birthday of the combat veteran and gives a first-person account of the world's first battles between aircraft carriers.
"Radioman is the best written biography of a World War II career I've ever read."
Mal Middlesworth, National President Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, Inc.
B-24 Liberator RAAF B-24L Liberator, A72-88 (#44-41460), of 24 Squadron RAAF, crashed when attempting to land at Fenton airfield in the Northern Territory on 2 February 1945 after a bombing raid on shipping targets. Six aircraft from 24 Squadron had taken part in this raid. The Liberator was out of fuel and losing height rapidly. It was just before midnight and conditions were very hazy and the pilot, Flight Lieutenant Arthur Cambridge could not see the runway flare path. On his first approach to land he was too far to the left of the runway. He was advised of this by radio contact with ground control.
On his second attempt to land, three of the four fuel pressure gauges dropped to zero and the Liberator swung violently to port. Cambridge ordered the crew to crash positions and with his undercarriage still retracted the Liberator crashed through some trees 3 kilometres from Fenton airfield and struck the ground in a more or less level attitude. A fire broke out below the flight deck, possibly due to damage to the auxiliary power unit.
The fire spread quickly and crew members Flight Lieutenant J.R. Parkinson and Flying Officer J.M. Pitt were trapped in the aircraft and killed. They were buried at Adelaide River cemetery the following day. A small section of this Liberator is now on display at the Darwin Aviation Museum.
DH84 Dragon
De Havilland DH84 Dragon A34-65 of 2 Aircraft Depot Richmond (2 AD) RAAF encountered engine problems and attempted to make a forced landing at about 1215 hours on 5 January 1945 during a travel flight. Whilst attempting to reach a small clearing it stalled and spun into the ground at Plumpton Road, Mt. Druitt, New South Wales. The five personnel on board, 3 RAF and 2 RAAF were all killed.
Lockheed Hudson
Lockheed Hudson A16-68 of 2 Aircraft Depot (2 A.D.) crashed after a test flight on its landing approach to Richmond airfield at 1635 hours on 20 December 1944. Whilst making a normal landing approach with wheels and flaps down, when it was approximately a 1/4 of a mile for the airfield boundary at about 200 - 300 feet it was seen to make a flat turn to port slowly, and then drop the port wing, strike overhead wires in falling, then spin into the ground on a vacant block in Dight Street and burst into flames. The 8 RAAF personnel on board were all killed.
Avro Anson N4887 of 1 Flying Training School (1 F.T.S.) crashed on the Richmond Golf Course near Richmond, New South Wales at 0119 hours on Monday 18 December 1939 during a a night reconnaissance flight to Point Cook, Victoria.
The following crew were all killed in this tragic crash:-
Flight-Lieutenant Arthur Moorehouse Watkins, 25 yrs old
Flight-Lieutenant Hugh Vaughan Bonham Horner, 27 yrs, married (Service No. 2)
Flying Officers Henry Parker Fitzgerald, 21 yrs, married
Flying Officer Malcolm Musgrave McInnes, 21 yrs
Leading Aircraftman Leonard John King, 23 yrs (Service No 3891)
The aircraft had arrived at Richmond from Victoria on Friday 15 December 1939.
Avro Anson A4-32 of 6 Squadron RAAF crashed at Riverstone, NSW on 28 April 1939.
Four men were killed.
After leaving Richmond Airfield the Avro Anson was flown out to sea in the vicinity of Smith Head, Sydney. The crew maintained constant radio communication with the airfield and the flight proceeded without incident until approximately 3:30pm. At 3:27pm a radio message was received from the aircraft to the effect that the aerial was being reeled in preparatory to landing. At that time the aircraft was within a few miles of the airfield and within a few minutes of landing. This was the last message received from the aircraft.
At 3:30pm Avro Anson A4-32 crashed into the ground. There were several eye witnesses. It would appear the aircraft was flying in normal level flight at about 1,000 feet when eye witnesses heard some spluttering from the engines along with the noises of backfiring and puffs of smoke were seen coming from the aircraft.
The nose of the Avro Anson dropped to an angle of 30 degrees and it started to lose height. Eye witnesses then indicated they could hardly hear the noise of the engines but they then made a sudden roaring noise and the nose pulled up again.. But then it went into a steeper dive and crashed directly into the ground with its engines roaring.
SPECTACULAR air show, which may feature the world's leading formation flying team the USAF Thunderbirds, is tentatively scheduled for Townsville later this year.
It is believed there will be an afternoon twilight aerial display on Saturday, 26 September 2009, with Sunday 27 September 2009 being a possible open day at RAAF Garbutt, with a possible second flying program. Clearly nothing is firm at this stage.
The American registered freighter "MS City of Rayville" (5,833 tons, owned by American Pioneer Lines) with stars and stripes painted on both sides of its hull, left Adelaide for Melbourne on 7 November 1940.
At approximately 7:47pm on Friday 8 November 1940 it was reported from Cape Otway Port War Signal Station that an
explosion had been heard and seen and that a sinking ship could be seen in the fading light about 6 miles south of the Signal Station.
Fishing vessels from nearby Apollo Bay were directed to go to her assistance.
Just a reminder that the Wide Bay Australia International Airshow 2009 will be held at Bundaberg airfield for three days of aviation action from Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th July 2009.
The Friends of MacArthur Museum Brisbane will be holding its inaugural meeting on Tuesday 21st April 2009 at 2:30 pm.
The meeting will be held in the MacArthur Museum Brisbane on 8th Floor MacArthur Chambers.